Debibliotheca to offer the academic community a physical and virtual space where access to information resources and services and the guidance of information professionals enable interaction, exchange of ideas, development of skills, discovery of new sources and creation of new knowledge resulting in an empowering lifelong learning experience.

Currently working with the following strategic areas: Virtual Library and Marketing Services and Products. The objectives to achieve these goals cover the following categories:

  • Appraisal
  • External Resources
  • Technology Initiatives
  • Training and Development
  • Communication

Virtual Library


To turn the Library into a primarily virtual entity, through the acquisition of collections that will be mostly electronic, which will be accessible remotely, through the implementation of services and procedures that will be available online, supported by a trained staff and a reliable infrastructure in terms of technology.


Promote an academic culture that uses electronic media to teach, learn, research, communicate and work.

Establish/codify process/procedure/service manuals and temper any other library and university documents to reflect the Virtual Library concept.

Train and involve faculty in the use of electronic resources to incorporate information literacy in a way that impacts the educational curriculum.

To educate and develop the information skills necessary in the academic community for the efficient use of electronic resources both on campus and remotely.

Request the necessary economic resources to keep the required technology up to date.

Achieve a reliable, secure and fast infrastructure to offer services at a distance, acquiring the necessary technology to give remote access to the collections and offer services virtually.

Make appropriate changes to the physical plant to accommodate both staff, users and traditional collections as well as the equipment that makes it possible to manage the electronic collection efficiently.

Create and establish a continuous appraisal process to measure the development of the electronic collection, its access, services, processes, staff training and customer satisfaction.

Develop a continuous training program for librarians and support staff to enable the effective and efficient use of new technologies and electronic resources to enable 24/7 service.

Expand interlibrary loan services with formal procedures, technologies and agreements that allow the necessary information to be obtained from wherever the user is located.

Educate the academic community on how to apply Fair Use criteria to protect and recognize Intellectual Property rights.

Marketing of Services and Products


Develop an action plan that identifies new communication strategies aimed at updating or creating new information services in the Library through a marketing plan of services and products that responds to changes in information and the characteristics of the current user.


Define the levels of basic skills in the staff to create an indicator tool to develop training in the areas of greatest relevance.

Maintain the presence of the Library on the Web through pages, blogs and other applications that are attractive, useful and easy to use to highlight the image of the institution worldwide and as a primary resource to meet the information needs of the academic community.

Maximize the use of the databases using defined, programmed, innovative and continuous promotion strategies each quarter.

Identify external sources of resources, whether financial, personal or gender, to strengthen the Library’s services and collections.